Monday, October 8, 2012

The Greatest Journey

Early in the morning, before the sun rises
the journey begins
steril, bright lights, television blaring
waiting, wondering, contracting
napping, visiting, crying

tired she is so tired
worrying about everyone
and how long it's taking
don't worry. just rest.
is it time yet?
she's not ready
hiding in her warm safe place
scared to come out
what's waiting on the other side?

patiently, excitedly, we wait
as she slowly, painfully makes her way
she slips through easily
a portal in time and space
a doorway
and she is born
at the perfect moment

white cream coating her tiny body
black hair atop her perfect head
little kitten cries
as she wonders
whats happening here
its so bright

we stare in wonder
crying at the beauty
a counsel of elders
to catch her
to make her safe
four generations
and the spirits of our ancestors
there to greet the new princess

nothing will ever be the same
the world is more beautiful
now that she is here