Wednesday, July 14, 2010


I've been having such a great time with Julian. He has grown so much since I saw him last in April. He's talking more, interacting more and so in tune with his world and with the world of nature. He loves looking at ants and bugs, digging for worms, touching trees and smelling flowers. He loves balloons most of all. We tied three balloons around his waist and he was so fascinated that they followed him as he ran around the house non stop. He laughed and pointed at the balloons to make sure we could all see what a cool thing was happening.

Julian is a very wise soul. He knows what's happening and can communicate it very well even though he doesn't use a whole lot of words yet. We have bonded even more on this visit than ever before. He loves his "Amma" as much as I love him.

We celebrated Julian's birthday at a local park. He got to play with his new toys; a new Big Wheel, a golf club that his aunt Teresa had made for him, a new Spiderman ball and a box that had a chalkboard on one side and held treasures like chalk, rocks, feathers and markers. His mom and dad made him a cake with cars and plastic trees on it and he loved digging his hands in it and eating as much as his little tummy would hold. Needless to say he was totally wired on sugar the rest of the day. We had lunch and watched Julian play on the slides and swings. We all adore him so much.

It's been a pretty good visit here in Utah. Not without its ups and downs for sure but I am happy that I could be here with my family for a short time. It's been interesting for me to be in the role of Mother, Daughter and Grandmother all at the same time. Especially after living the last several months with no one to take care of but myself. Life is so fascinating and wonderful.

Monday, July 5, 2010

July 4th, 2010

Happy 70th birthday to my mom on the Fourth of July!

I had an ok fourth of July here in Utah. The Mormon people in Utah don't celebrate on Sunday, since that day is only dedicated to going to church, so there was no fourth of July on the fourth. The celebrating was done on the third. 

My friend Dan was here as he was driving across the country to Massachusetts. It was his first night on the road and it was so good to have him here. We bbq'd some yummy brats and some corn on the grill. We had cold beer with fresh lime and lit off a few fireworks. And we laughed a lot.

Julian loved the fireworks but was a little scared too. He would run away but then come right back to see what would happen next. It was great.

I've been having a great time with Julian. He's growing up so fast and is about to celebrate his 2nd full year of life. He's a beautiful child and I love watching him move through the world. He's so smart and his mind works a thousand miles a minute. We will have a fun birthday party for him on Friday, and will also celebrate mom's birthday when she and my dad get here from Wyoming. It'll be great!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

900 miles

I had such a lovely day in Tahoe and evening at Rosanna's parents house in Reno.

Rosanna unexpectedly got sick from consuming too much nutmeg (who knew? But it's a real thing. She found out the hard way when the lid came off the nutmeg jar as she was putting it into warm milk) so she was unable to go hiking with me.

I drove to Tahoe City and went to Fanny Bridge, a museum and the visitors center. They suggested that I spend some time at Sugar Pine State Park, and told me where I could get a yummy sandwich to take with me. I drove down to the park which was only about 10 miles away, along the shoreline of Lake Tahoe. The water is the most beautiful rich blue color I have ever seen. It's magical and sparkly. I paid my $8 and went into the park, found a shady spot for my car and set out along the trail. There is a cool old mansion that was built there in the 1800's, some old boathouses with vintage boats in them and the cabin of the very first settler in Tahoe. They have nice trails and interpretive signs. It was so gorgeous. I walked along the shore and there were lots of happy people picnicking, bike riding, hiking and swimming. It was a perfect day. I found some rocks and feathers that I think Julian will like.

I drove up to Reno in the afternoon to Rosanna's. Her parents, Mary and Larry are lovely people and they have a great home with the Truckee River running through the backyard. They were so comfortable to be around and made me feel very welcome. Rosanna was feeling better by the evening and she made a delicious stir fry with fresh veggies and poached eggs over brown rice. Larry opened some nice wine and we sat outside and talked and laughed. Mary made a fresh strawberry pie for dessert and we looked at photos and talked about our travels.

Rosanna's dad had made a great swing in the backyard and a platform that you climb up on, get yourself into the swing and launch yourself out over the river. I was scared to death, but I did it. My heart was in my throat, but I still managed to scream and laugh at the same time as I was flying through the air. It was fantastic. After the swing became still, I sat in it at twilight and watch the bats come out for their dinner of bugs along the river. More magic.  Larry has also built an outdoor bedroom by the river out of a picnic tent and it has a wood floor, a little table with a lamp and is so cozy. They definitely make the very best of their beautiful surroundings.

I slept well and had happy dreams before setting out this morning around 8:30. It was wonderful to see Rosanna again and to meet her darling parents. I drove for 10 hours today, listening to my books on tape and watching the Nevada desert go by. I enjoyed my drive this time. The last time I was on Interstate 80 was when Taylor was in labor with Julian and I was trying to get there as fast as I could, so not all that enjoyable. It was nice to just look around this time and enjoy the contemplative, meditative time as the miles rolled by.

I'm at my mom's tonight, tired and happy. I'm sure I'll sleep well.