Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Thank you for the support!

The reception for New Light India Friday night in San Rafael was fantastic. So many wonderful people stopped by to say hello and find out more. It was very sweet. We had wine and food and Indian flute music, photos from India and the quilts all sold within the first hour. I was happily surprised.

Thank you to everyone for your support (monetary, emotional or otherwise :) The money donated will go so far in Calcutta to support the programs of New Light India, and will make a huge difference in the lives of the women and their children in the red light district. 

I hope to get more sari quilts soon. They are such a wonderful piece of art.  Not to mention a little slice of comfortable heaven!

Friday, August 13, 2010

The Global Social Change Film Festival

I have just accepted a job as Associate Director of Programs and Development at the Global Social Change Film Festival and Institute.  The festival will take place in Bali next year, and in different places around the globe in subsequent years, like London, Madrid, Sydney, New Orleans, etc.

I can't tell you how happy and excited I am for this opportunity. It is exactly what I asked the universe for; a job where I could get paid to travel and do what I am passionate about. I am so grateful.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Beautiful Sari Quilts From India

I just received a shipment of 12 beautiful quilts from India. They are made from six layers of recycled saris and are hand quilted and just gorgeous. They are made by the women in the Kalighat District of Kolkata. These women work in the Red Light District and are hoping for a better way to make a living. The Quilt program was started by New Light India, which supports the women and children in the area with nutrition, medical attention, micro loans and care for the children. You can see more at www.newlightindia.org

I am hosting a reception on Friday, August 13 at Pleasures of the Heart store in San Rafael, as part of the monthly San Rafael ArtWalk from 5 - 8 pm. Please come by and take a look at the quilts and learn more about my travels to India and the work of New Light. These quilts are available for purchase and 100% goes back to India to help the artisan women who made these quilts with loving care.
Each quilt has the name of the woman who made it stitched into the corner.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

New and exciting things

Lots going on since I last wrote. I have been continuing to do housesitting since I got back to the Bay area and have been in beautiful friend's homes in Mill Valley, and Tiburon and next up is San Rafael.

I celebrated my 47th birthday on Saturday with lovely friends and with being outdoors. I slept late, then went for a long walk in Fairfax and to a small music festival there. I bought a lovely new blouse to wear to my party, which was held at the Sausalito Cruising Club. (I'm working there part time, bar tending and doing some marketing and event work for them). Its a great old barge on the water in Sausalito and has a good vibe. About 14 friends came and we had dinner and chocolate cake and margaritas and danced until midnight or so. Everyone was so kind and generous and fun. I am very blessed with dear friends in my life. 

I have decided to make a trip to Haiti with a group of compassionate women from the Bay area. We are all connected through our yoga practice with our lovely teacher, Lisa. Lisa has organized this trip and we will spend 10 days helping out at two orphanages in a tent city in Jacmel. I feel really good about this trip and look forward to doing all I can. We will be focusing on children and the thought of playing with them, sharing stories and games with them and bringing lots of love is overwhelming to me and makes me feel good. I want to bring a little joy where I can. I feel like it's a responsibility in my life. 

Haiti is still very much in need of help after the huge earthquake a year ago, but have been forgotten in the media, and therefore in the minds of most of us. I will be so interested to experience what it's like there and get to know the people. 

I was contacted by a friend of mine and asked if I would be interested in working with a Global Film Festival that will take place in Bali next year. Sounds pretty great to me. I spoke with the founder by phone and will meet with her and others on the team tomorrow. I'm very interested in working with them and hope it works out. I feel good about it.