Saturday, March 18, 2017

Native Nations March on Washington

Drums beat
On cold city streets

She offers prayers to the creator

Bless the water
Falling down on us now

Thank you Father Sky

Singing chanting praying
Sage burning
Feet dancing

Mni Wiconi
Water IS Life

The people's faces
As we march by

Turning to understanding

With the heart

Our hearts
The heart of Gaia

Clean water for all of us
We are water

The Divine Feminine Rising
To help heal

The earth is her womb
Don't rape and abuse her anymore

Honor her
She who gave us life

Without our mother
There is no life

Thursday, March 2, 2017


To Ravish:
To fill (someone) with intense delight; enrapture: "ravished by a sunny afternoon, she had agreed without even thinking"
enrapture, enchant, delight, charm, entrance, enthrall, captivate

Ravish me
Ravish me
Ravish me till I can barely see
The magic moons in stars above
In the whisper quiet
There is only love