Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Travelin' Shoes

I am on my way to Utah tonight via Lake Tahoe. I'm in Truckee at the Truckee Hotel on main street. It's a very old place and has a good vibe. In my room there are photos of Charlie Chaplin, a wonderful old dresser with an oval mirror, tall ceilings and a sink in the corner. Bathroom is down the hall. It's clean and comfortable. The rate was really good and it feels like I'm the only one here. Haven't seen one other guest so far. There is a cool breeze blowing through the window but I'm afraid I'll have to close it because the train is about a half a block away and sounds like it's coming right through my room when it goes by. I hope there aren't many night trains....my room is right up there on the first floor with a great balcony and lots of comfy chairs....

I'm meeting with my friend Rosanna tomorrow to do some hiking and then will spend the night with her in Reno before the long drive to Orem. I haven't seen Rosanna since I met her in October last year in Kathmandu. We were two slightly scared girls traveling alone to places unknown and were about to have experiences that would change our, at least my, life. I'm pretty sure it changed hers too but I'll find out more tomorrow....we were both on a similar journey: Rosanna had also put everything in storage and was planning to travel for at least 4 months. She had no idea what she would do upon her return either and it sounds like she's still trying to figure it out like I am. She spent time in Nepal and India before returning to the US this spring. We had some profound experiences together in Nepal and I feel very connected to her. She is quite a bit younger than I and people thought we were mother and daughter.

It sure feels good to be back on the road. I can't quite seem to get it out of my veins. I just want to be active and moving. I have no desire to settle down anywhere at this point in time. I still don't know where I'm going in the big scheme of things but that's ok. I have everything I need in my car and I can go anywhere. And that's a grand feeling. Maybe I should buy a mini van or a mini Winnebago. I wonder if they make hybrid winnebagos. Or electric winnebagos. I could see myself traveling around the US to parts I've never seen before. Maybe I can work for the National Parks as a roving chef or a roving trail blazer.

I went on a day long yoga retreat over the weekend and it was wonderful. It was in a little tent/yurt overlooking the pacific ocean. We spent the day in meditation, doing some writing, some chanting and of course some deep yoga. I loved it and felt so very lucky to be there. We could hear the sounds of the ocean waves the whole time. There were chickens crowing, a fire burning and a beautiful feeling there. After the retreat we hiked along the coast for a couple of miles just as it was getting dark. The air was perfect and the sounds of the waves hitting the shore was below us. It was a perfect Saturday.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Music and more music

This summer is filled with incredible music so far. I saw Rickie Lee Jones on June 19th at the Uptown Theatre in Napa. I got the tickets in February, I think because I was so excited to see the show. RLJ is another person whos music shaped my teen years. Someone had a cassette tape of hers when I was in high school, and the first time I heard it, I was so connected with her. It was her first album, and had a hit single called Chuck E's in Love. That was in 1979. Thirty years and fifteen albums later, she is at her best. Her voice is rich and full and can hit almost every note in the scale, it seems like. She was intimate and open and gave us a great few hours with her. She said she likes to pray a lot, that some of her songs are actually prayers. She also made the comment that "my prayer place is right next to my sex place". I loved that statement. I also love the new album titled "Balm in Gilead" and can't stop listening to it. 

Last night I saw Ruthie Foster for the first time.  I had heard a little about her and then checked her out online. I got such a great feeling about her and her music and I knew this would be an incredible show. It was the small theatre in Mill Valley, the Throckmorton, where a lot of great entertainment happens. I haven't been there in a long time and forgot how much I like it there. 

Ruthie Foster is from Texas and started out singing in her gospel choir when she was small. She now writes and sings her own songs, plus she does some good old blues from the legends and even did a poem by Maya Angelo that she put to music. It was called Phenomenal Woman. It was amazing and almost made me cry. 

The whole show was full of great music that came from the heart and soul and came right through Ruthie. I could not believe that such beautiful sound came out of one human being. The kind that gives you goosebumps and makes you tingly all over. She sings about life and love and spirituality. I am in love with her and can't wait to get more of her music.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


A friend of mine said today "you have a great life, don't you?". I told her, that yes, I do and I am so, so grateful for it every day.

It's so interesting how life unfolds in such wonderful ways. It all depends on your point of view. Technically, I am homeless and jobless right now, I really don't know where I'm going or what I'm doing, but I have never been happier.

Two years ago I was living in a beautiful house with a view of the San Francisco Bay in one of the most expensive, upscale towns in the United States. I didn't have to work, I traveled a lot, I went out to fancy restaurants, I could buy new clothes anytime I wanted. I had it "all". But I was miserable. My spirit was suffocating. There is absolutely no blame here. I was just in the wrong situation for me.

It was a difficult journey through the middle of my separation and divorce but now that I'm on the other side, finally, everything is alright.

I am very grateful every day for the friends and family that I have, for the place that I get to live, for yoga and my health, for good food and clean water, for my car that runs well and gets me from place to place, for sunshine and blue sky, for rain, for hiking trails, the ocean, for the salad bar at Whole Foods, and for being able to live a very spontaneous and creative life.

I bought a bumper sticker last weekend at a festival that says "Something Wonderful is About to Happen". And I believe it.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Joe and Tom

I was lucky enough to attend a concert on Saturday night that included Joe Cocker and Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, two of my favorite performers for the last 30 years or so. Boy, does that make me feel rather "long in the tooth" as my mom would say.

I have always wanted to see Joe Cocker but never had gotten the chance until now. I first saw him on Saturday Night Live sometime in the 1970's and was fascinated. It's so great that I can dial it up on YouTube and watch it again. It's hilarious that John Belushi comes out on stage and does a perfect imitation of him. He sings beside him and is dressed exactly like him. Classic tv.

Joe put on an exceptional show. He had a talented, beautiful-to-look-at band with him and they sounded perfect. The saxophone player was especially good, and Joe is like a fine bottle of wine. He just keeps getting better.

I had forgotten that the Oakland Colossium is not really that big of a venue, which was nice. We had great seats and almost didn't need our binoculars. I was happy as a clam after seeing Joe perform, but there was much more to come.

There was about a 45 minute break in between bands and it was fun to be out in the crowd on the club level, where our seats where and talk with people who were all there for the same reason. The energy was fantastic.

Tom and the boys played for about 2 hours and did 2 encores. They did not disappoint and have definitely still got it goin' on. They keep getting better and better too. I loved hearing their new music and a lot of old stuff that shaped my teen years and all the years since. Every one of the songs they sing brings back a good time and good memories of where I was when I would listen to it. They have been rockin' out for over 30 years. Amazing.

When I put myself in a room with that kind of intense music for a few hours, it takes a few days to get myself feeling "normal" again. It seems to rearrange all the cells in my body for a little while, and of course the sound blasting through my brain and my ear drums messes me up for a while. But it's all worth it. I have such great respect for people who put their passion out there with such um.... passion :)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Organic yogurt safari

I had a lot of fun today on a yogurt adventure. I was invited by my good friend Susie who was invited by the good folks at Whole Foods to come and tour the new store in Mill Valley which is set to open in a few days. After the tour we were going to tour a yogurt making operation in West Marin.

It turned out that the workers and staff were working frantically to get the store ready to open so we couldn't get in their way, but we were loaded on to a nice big bus, given a delicious whole foods lunch, a nice cotton bag full of goodies such as olive oil, chocolate, pasta and other stuff and were driven about 45 minutes to Sonoma County to visit St. Benoit Yogurt. It was really interesting and was out in the middle of the beautiful farms and rolling hills where so much of our cheese, milk and beef comes from. St. Benoit is a very small operation and each container of yogurt is made by hand. It's unique because they use all local, organic ingredients, it comes in a cool pottery jar, which keeps it fresh and can be returned after use to the company and they will reuse it. And it tasted divine. I tried the strawberry, lemon and plum flavors. It was a quite a delicious little field trip.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Wine is the spice of life

I had a lovely couple of days in the Napa Valley. Susie and I were invited by a woman who was on the Tibet trip with us to come and tour her wineries and have dinner at her home. It was so incredible. When we walked in for our first tour, people were there to greet us, and our names were on the little sign in front. We went on a long tour of the winery, through the wine caves, learning about winemaking and the rich history of Far Niente and ended up in a great room where we were treated to a wine and cheese pairing. It was such fun and everything tasted so incredible.

Next, we drove a short distance to the second winery, Nickel and Nickel and had a great time touring and tasting about 6 different red wines with a nice group of people.

We went back and met up with our friend for dinner at her lovely home. We had delicious pasta, fresh salad and amazing wine outside on the veranda that overlooks the vines and laughed and talked well into the evening. It was such a amazing day and we felt very lucky indeed.

Susie and I spent the night at a sweet little guesthouse in the middle of a vineyard and woke up to the smell of hyacinth and grape leaves. We had a yummy meal at Mustard's and then slowly made our way back to Marin, stopping off at a few interesting stores and wineries along the way.

Good wine is a gorgeous thing and I really appreciate the dedication, skill and hard work it takes to make it.