Thursday, June 17, 2010


A friend of mine said today "you have a great life, don't you?". I told her, that yes, I do and I am so, so grateful for it every day.

It's so interesting how life unfolds in such wonderful ways. It all depends on your point of view. Technically, I am homeless and jobless right now, I really don't know where I'm going or what I'm doing, but I have never been happier.

Two years ago I was living in a beautiful house with a view of the San Francisco Bay in one of the most expensive, upscale towns in the United States. I didn't have to work, I traveled a lot, I went out to fancy restaurants, I could buy new clothes anytime I wanted. I had it "all". But I was miserable. My spirit was suffocating. There is absolutely no blame here. I was just in the wrong situation for me.

It was a difficult journey through the middle of my separation and divorce but now that I'm on the other side, finally, everything is alright.

I am very grateful every day for the friends and family that I have, for the place that I get to live, for yoga and my health, for good food and clean water, for my car that runs well and gets me from place to place, for sunshine and blue sky, for rain, for hiking trails, the ocean, for the salad bar at Whole Foods, and for being able to live a very spontaneous and creative life.

I bought a bumper sticker last weekend at a festival that says "Something Wonderful is About to Happen". And I believe it.

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