Wednesday, August 31, 2011


I sit here on this Wednesday morning, the last day of August. The air is growing colder here in the Utah mountains, where I've been for the last month, almost.

I have had the amazing blessing of being able to spend time in a little cabin in the mountains. Alone and quiet. There is a lot of history here. It's the place where my husband and I met, had our courtship, became engaged and got married. Ten years ago.  My life has changed so much since then. In incredible ways.

And now I have been able to be here for about 20 days, most of them spent in silence. Just me, the trees and the constant sound of the rushing creek. I don't know when I have ever spent this much time alone and it's been an incredible experience. The universe has conspired to give me this important time, gift wrapped in a beautiful package.

Time to write, reflect, rest, meditate, listen to music, go for long walks and watch the season change from summer to fall.

This cabin is a small A-frame style. Simple and comfortable. The walk down from the parking area is somewhat steep and long. The cabin sits on a hillside off the main road with a beautiful stream in the back. There are not many neighbors here and it's isolated. Something that was scary to me in the past. I have always had a lot of people around me and stay busy with social events. I have always valued my alone time but didn't take much of it.

The front door

The deck in the back looks out over the stream. When I first arrived it was full and roaring. More water than I had ever seen because of the heavy rains of the spring and early summer. It's now slowed down considerably but still constantly rushing by. Never ending. Always there with it's comforting sound.

I love to be outside, reading or sitting for an hour in meditation. I roll my yoga mat out in the mornings before the sun gets too hot and stretch and move my body. I feel like the luckiest girl alive.

An angel after the rain

Julian has come and spent a few nights with me and he likes it here a lot. It's a great place for a little boy who wants to explore, climb on the rocks, pick flowers, swing in a hammock, feed the horses and build a little house out of pillows and blankets to sleep in. We brought him here for the first time when he was about 8 days old and made him a little bed in a pulled out dresser drawer. He was so tiny then....

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