Sunday, September 23, 2012

The princess is arriving shortly

It's the night before my granddaughter is to be born. Sort of a strange feeling to know that life will change tomorrow with the arrival of this new little soul. Taylor will check into the hospital early in the morning and they will start her labor. She has already begun to dilate and baby girl is in position ready for launch, so it shouldn't take long....

Taylor is understandably nervous but ready too. Her poor little feet are so swollen along with her belly. Her back aches and she moves slowly, saving her energy. She amazes me. She's so strong and so sweet. She takes care of Julian and Dylan each day and doesn't let much get in her way. She is patient and kind to all she comes in contact with. Her children are so lucky to have her as their mom.

Julian has been with me for the last three nights and we've been having a blast swimming in the pool at my building, riding the bus around park city, going on bike rides to the park, and checking out books and movies at the library. I love having him here and seeing the world through his eyes. What a wonderful perspective.

He seems pretty ok with the idea of having a sister but also doesn't want to talk about it too much. How could he, really? He has no idea what that means or what it will be like. But he's about to find out and I think he's going to be an amazing big brother. He loves to help around the house and whenever he sees kids smaller than him, he quickly steps in to help them up the slide or retrieve a dropped toy. He's going to be great.

For now I will get some sleep and dream of this beautiful soul who's making her way here. I want her to know that she is surrounded by people who love her very much and who are wishing her a peaceful and safe journey through the birth canal and into this wacky world we've got going here. We're here to catch her and keep her warm and happy and loved.

I can't wait to meet you, Princess!

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