Monday, September 16, 2013

Things I've Learned From Walking The Dog

I find myself back in Healdsburg, for the third time, house and dog sitting for a lovely couple who are about my age. They travel a lot and this time they are in Panama for 2 weeks.

I really like coming to their simple, comfortable home and taking care of Coco, the crazy Pit Bull Corgie. I like the town of Healdsburg but even more I like the surrounding wine country and the open space in the hills where Coco and I spend part of each day.

Coco is a complicated soul. She's an angel trapped in a body that doesn't work well on many levels. She's pissed off a lot of the time and I can't say that I blame her. As a result she doesn't have many friends.

This time around, she is sulky and won't eat. She decided to show her discontent by tearing up the outside couch the day before I got here when she was left on her own.

Coco really is a dear girl and I love her. I hope she has an easier time next time around. That is if we do get a next time in the big scheme of things....

Coco and I walk each day and I learn a lot about life.

On our walks out in the beautiful natural surroundings of Healdsburg, I find I have to work hard this time to stay present. I let the leash get too long and my mind wanders off; have to remember to call so-and-so, have to make that entry in the spreadsheet I'm working on, did I make that bank deposit? What should I have for lunch? Maybe I should run down to that cute little coffee shop for a latte today....

I then remember to reel it in. To be in the present moment. To witness the layers of leaves crunching under our feet, piles of gold, red and brown, signaling the Fall season that is here in this present moment. I remember to listen to the birds overhead as they guide us on the trail. Cackling and talking about what's going on down below. I stop at my favorite old Madrone tree with is smooth red branches, old as time, it seems. She has a lot to say too. I watch the trail of ants marching along the trunk. The ant gang is busy in their day getting ready for the rainy winter that's sure to come.  I hear a rustle in the dry grass and look over to see four curious deer watching us. Ears perked, eyes wide. Deer in the headlights. Two squirrels chatter on the other side, taunting Coco. With a low growl and getting ever lower to the ground, she thrusts her 50 pound body towards them. With a yank on the leash, I try and reel her in. She is definitely living in the present moment....

Thank you for the lessons you teach me, Coco. I hope we have many more walks together in the coming years.

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