Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Happy Birthday, Your Holiness!

On July 6, 2015 His Holiness the 13th Dalai Lama turned 80 years old.
What a momentous occasion!

On this day, I went with Julian, Anicah and Taylor to a beautiful place in the Utah mountains called Cascade Springs. Such a peaceful spot with multiple springs surrounded by boardwalk paths and paved walking trails. The trees are numerous and lush and the birds and butterflies kept us company.

We stopped at a spot near a shallow creek and I told Julian about the Dalai Lama's birthday and that we would sing a prayer for him, and offer a shiny polished crystal stone to the water in his honor. I taught him "Om Mani Padme Om" and we repeated it a couple of times. I looked at my phone just then to take a photo and it started freaking out.....red and gold and blue lines everywhere, waving and moving across the little screen...something I had never seen it do.
I pushed the button to take a photo and here is the result:

Om Mani Padme Om

I love it, and it looks to me like the moment felt. Light and pink and beautiful. 
The power of mantra. The power of prayer.
The power of love.

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