Friday, January 29, 2016

Traveling to Thailand 2016

When I am out in the world I feel most alive. Most happy. Most abundant and clear. 
All of my senses firing constantly. Everything is new. New sights in my eyes, new smells in my nose, new people, new languages and new spices on my tongue. Always aware but relaxing into the experience. I have rarely feel afraid when I travel. Always supported by the universe when I let go.

I leave in the early morning of December 28 and board my flight which takes me to San Francisco, then on to Seoul, Korea and then another leg to arrive in Bangkok some thirty hours later. By the time I get to my hotel at 1 am, I am dizzy, exhausted and hungry.
Sunrise in San Francisco
I have a quick shower and collapse into my bed.  After a fitful sleep (my body still wants to awaken in the wee hours - still on Utah time), I get dressed and go down for breakfast. I like this hotel, I've stayed her a few times before. Breakfast is good. Fresh omelet and toast, hot coffee, spicy rice and fresh fruit. I walk outside and the smell of Thailand fills my nose. No place else smells like this. I have the whole day to explore. We'll see how my energy holds out. 

I walk down to the boat dock where tourist boats go up and down Chao Phraya river. I want to go up a few stops to the amulet market to get little buddha tiles and spices. When I see the overloaded boat and how hot it is in Bangkok, I change my mind. Still feeling like my spirit has not caught up with my body, I can't imagine being smashed in this boat with so many other sweaty bodies. It is a few days before New Year's eve and there are many tourists visiting. 

I walk back in the direction I came and a Thai man talks to me and asks where I'm going and if I want a tour of the city. I tell him no thanks and he says "how about massage? There is good spa down the street. I take you." It is a busy street with many people around, and I trust him, so I numbly follow along, chatting as we go, my brain feeling like it's still back at the boat dock. We stop in front of a very nice looking place and takes me inside. He tells me to enjoy and leaves me there. It is a lovely place and the people are nice. I end up requesting a 2.5 hour massage, which includes, head, feet, face and body massage. There are little signs around that explain that this is a NO SEX spa. Massage only. Perfect.

I am taken up an elevator by a sweet woman and into a nice room. She tells me to undress and shower, which I do and then proceeds to give me the most amazing 2.5 hours ever. My body is very sore from the long hours sitting upright in a tight airplane seat, ankles swollen from downward blood flow. She is wonderful and kind and the time seems to go by quickly. Feeling extremely relaxed and drowsy, I float out of the spa and down the street. I stop for a cup of tea and a delicious cookie before heading back to my room for a small nap. 

Bangkok street art
After a couple of hours, I venture out again. Just up the street is a mall that I wander through, looking at all the different things for sale and the people shopping. But the lights are so damn bright. It's hurting my brain. I go outside and down a side street where a little market is happening. I buy some fruit and snacks and walk around feeling so lucky to be here, looking at beautiful faces and smelling fabulous smells. The market stalls seem to go on forever. The street looks like a movie set. Old shuttered windows on top of small cubbyhole houses where I can see people eating dinner or  watching tv. 
reclining buddha

After a few hours of walking, I'm suddenly very tired. I make my way back to my room and relax with a hot bath and then organize my things for the flight to Laos the next day.

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