Monday, December 11, 2017

Buffalo Blessing

I am told by a friend that an old sacred buffalo has passed
to the great beyond
The owners want to do a ceremony and honor him now

They called him "Shaker"

We gather on a mountainside in the snow
Our ceremony items in hand
Drums, sage, sweet grass, sacred pipe, tobacco and blessed water
from the Standing Rock reservation

We sing Lakota blessing songs with the beat of our drums.
We walk around his giant body, sprinkling tobacco along with our prayers
And drops of holy water

Thanking him

The buffalo energy swirls around us
Making me shake
Tears fall from my eyes
at the beauty of it all
and the honor of being there

He will stay where he lay
After being brought to this quiet hillside
Where he won't be disturbed
Except by those four legged and winged ones
Who will take part
In the great circle of life

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful tribute. His spirit and the spirit of His brother Junior are with us when we need them. It was an honor to be present at that ceremony . We helped him in a good way and those selfless acts of kindness and honor always return with those intentions. Aho
