Thursday, January 17, 2019

Moonlight and Water

Ocean waves
bigger than life

Surfers riding the crest
full moon lighting the way

Surf boards float from the air
like angels with wings

Landing somewhere in the night
butterflies floating
to meet the sea

fueled with cool booze
keeping us warm

The ship sails

Many souls
in a small space

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

The Middle Seat Angel

October 20, 2018
Somewhere over the Pacific

On a long flight to Bali. 
My angel appears
in the middle seat

I am bummed that the seat isn't empty

His name is Melvin

He calls me ma'am
So polite

The conversations begins
And ends 13 hours later 
on another continent
across the world

He is in the airforce
In mind and body

We talk about so many things
Communicating our souls

Trekking in Nepal
Growing our own food
The unlimited potential of our mind
High cardiovascular coherance is contagious
16 Hands Wine
Bi Bim Bop
Rock climbing in Yosemite
"The only thing that pairs well 
with trying to grasp the concept of General Relativity, 
is good dark chocolate"

When I close my eyes to rest
He writes it all down
in my brand new blank journal
The moon goddess Selene
adorning the cover

Thank you Trey
For opening my mind
Sharing your wisdom
Flying through time and space
with me




Monday, August 27, 2018

La Luna

Grandmother moon
floating softly
through iridescent clouds
silver and blue

La luna magestique

Above mountain tops
like a river
the clouds float by

Brilliant white glow
showering me with her life
her love

cascading down
covering me with 
mystical energy
filling me up
and up

Tell me
what you have to say
share your language

Mystery in the sky

But I know you
I am you

I am your daughter

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Double Nickels

I am 55 years young

This is the body I was born into
I am so grateful for it
It's a pretty great place 
for my soul to live
I don't always take the best care of it
But I try
I'm still learning as I go

I have some wisdom
as the nickels stack up

My body is wise
My soul knows

We are all bits of stardust
We are golden beams of light

You and I
We are the same

Out of the cosmos
We traveled
And landed here
For just the briefest of moments
The blink of an eye

We dance
We pray
We love
We give birth

And start the cycle over again

Happy birth day to me

Thank you mother
for bringing me here
to dwell
and do my best

In the blink of an eye

Monday, July 16, 2018

Wyoming Home

White cotton shirt 
on the clothesline
long soft sleeves waving hello
on the blue sky breeze

Pearl buttons winking 
in the kiss
of sunlight

The smell of childhood summer
in the flower fields
of Wyoming mountains

The feeling of freedom
connecting to mother earth

A flash of knowing
where I came from

Cheese and sour pickles
on spongy white bread
wrapped in brown paper

In the long grass fields 
behind the barn

14 years young
about to embark on a new life

A new journey into adultness
sex drugs and rock and roll

walking the line
just enough
keep it real

Saying a prayer
please help me stay
on the right path

the good road
the high road
the red road

Staying in the middle 
of the medicine wheel
of my life

Thursday, April 12, 2018

The things people say....

"I love the paint on the side of my life from having brushed against you. "

A friend recently wrote this to me in a text message and it touched me deeply. I read it often and it feels like a warm blanket wrapped around me.
                                     Thank you friend. :-)

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

When I am in Bali

When I am in Bali, I feel connected to the land. To the people. To the spirits of this island in the middle of the sea. Floating on a planet in the space of the universe.

I am a small dot yet I am part of the whole. In the intricate web of life, we are all linking arms and hearts. Joining together, pouring energy of who we are into the community kettle.

We are love. A whirling swirling column of love. Nothing can penetrate. Except love. 

When I am in Bali all the bullshit is stripped away. The layers of grime that have accumulated as a wall of protection around me quickly melt away. 

The spirit surrounds me and holds me like a child. 

Flowers fall like raindrops on my head and shoulders. Holy water sprinkled over me feels like silken gold merging with my hair and my soul. 

The spirit of the mountain is strong. She is rumbling. Restless. 

It's time for us all to wake up. Rise up. Hear the call of Surya and Gaia. 
She has asked politely and now will stand in her power. Speak her truth. 

Listen to the whisper before she roars. Her breath is fire and smoke and ash. 

When I am in Bali the smell of frangiapani fills me up. The taste of chili pepper teases my tongue. The humid air on my skin makes me sweat.
Cleaning me.
Clearing me. 
My scent is turmeric and galengal and lemongrass and garlic and sweet ripe fruit. 
A world of spice on my skin.

The ocean waves crash and dance and caress the shore. Birds do the tango weightless in the air. Crabs move to and fro over mossy rocks searching for today's breakfast. 
Doves coo
Frogs croak
Mosquitoes nibble
Monkeys chatter

The rain falls
Lighting fills the night sky

And all the while the people pray. Bringing calm and beauty to everything.
Connecting heaven and earth. 

Monday, February 19, 2018

Morning in Bali

Before the sun I rise

The roosters crow
Welcoming a new day

Incense smoke swirls
Flower petals sprinkled in the soft breeze

Ducks in the rice field
untuck yellow bills from under soft white wing
sleepy eyes
shaking their head
flapping their wing
welcoming a new day

The slick green salamander
sneaks rice from the offering
left for the ancestors
eyes darting
this way and that

Sly monkeys swing from the trees
waiting for their chance
to grab a piece of fruit
or a coffee cup
left on the balcony

A giant spider tap dances across freshly mopped floor
Welcoming a new day

It's morning in Bali

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Only Love

So much information
So many distractions
It's hard to keep it together
Not get too fragmented

We are fragmented
So we're not as strong

We must keep it together
Pull in tight
Tuck in and fly
Across the chasm

When we make it to the other side
Every single cell
Every particle of our being
Will light up

Magnified. Amplified
Humming with perfect
brilliant light

Radiating. Permeating.
No procrastinating
Love making

I roll myself into a ball
Like the potato bug
The armadillo

Tuck in tight
Through desert storms
Hurricanes of hate
Terrified of love

Weather the cloud of filthy words
And egregious acts
Hierarchy. Oligarchy. Patriarchy.

Locker room talk
Grab her by the pussy
He said
It's just locker room talk

Frantic of the Divine power rising
She who gave birth
The creator of us all

Grab her by the pussy
She won't mind
It's just locker room talk

I tuck inside
Look inside
The wisdom is there

Let the winds howl
All around me
I am safe
Tucked inside

Gathering strength
For everything
That lies ahead

When the bullshit is stripped away
When the hate dries up

There is only love......

Monday, December 11, 2017

Buffalo Blessing

I am told by a friend that an old sacred buffalo has passed
to the great beyond
The owners want to do a ceremony and honor him now

They called him "Shaker"

We gather on a mountainside in the snow
Our ceremony items in hand
Drums, sage, sweet grass, sacred pipe, tobacco and blessed water
from the Standing Rock reservation

We sing Lakota blessing songs with the beat of our drums.
We walk around his giant body, sprinkling tobacco along with our prayers
And drops of holy water

Thanking him

The buffalo energy swirls around us
Making me shake
Tears fall from my eyes
at the beauty of it all
and the honor of being there

He will stay where he lay
After being brought to this quiet hillside
Where he won't be disturbed
Except by those four legged and winged ones
Who will take part
In the great circle of life