Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I'm gearing up for my trip to Haiti and feeling some trepidation. I'm not sure if it's just in the getting ready or something more. I know it will be an intense, important journey and don't really know what to expect. But that's ok. All I know is that I will be with a wonderful group of people and we will do a small part in helping out people who's lives have been so devastated. I wonder what they will be like? I wonder who I'll meet along the way. I wonder what it will taste like and smell like? I wonder how my life will change after this trip.... 

We had a benefit last week at the Cruising Club and it was fantastic. Lots of people came out to support us, we had a fun silent auction, good food and amazing music. The full moon rose up over the water and added a nice vibe to the evening. 

This Sunday we will be doing another event called Eat Pray Love and Yoga. It's at a private villa that has been donated and will have live Haitian music, 2 hours of yoga, wine, food and new friends. It should be great. 

I've been so busy with these events plus working on the Bali Film Fest and my volunteer work at Bread & Roses, I'm not even sure which way is up half the time. But I'll get it all done, all will be fine and all will roll out exactly the way it's supposed to. 

I have way too many clothing and other items to fit in one bag. Guess I'll have to take two. I want to bring as much as I can to help people there so I'll make it work. 

One week from tonight I will be in the air, on my way to a new land. I'm very excited and honored that I get to have this experience. 

Thank you to the universe and to the path that I'm on. And thank you to all my friends and family who are linking arms and supporting me as I navigate the unknown....


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