Friday, November 26, 2010

Monkey Forest of Dreams

 After my visit to the monkey forest and talk with the man that works there, I had a very  “good dream” as he said I would after washing my hands in the sacred stream. The dream wouldn’t make sense to anyone else, so I won’t tell it, but it was a very important dream to me and had to do with knowing my “center” or my “source” and trusting it and always coming back to it. This dream reiterated to me that I am a powerful being and all that I need is here in me.

As I was writing down the dream the next day, I was overcome by a sense of joy that this information had come to me. I wrote the word “source” at least four times on the page. And as nutty as it sounds, Kevin Bacon was in the dream and helped deliver the message.

Later that day, I had an appointment with Sri Guru, the same one from the yoga class at the ashram. He is a massage therapist, acupuncturist, chiropractor, energy worker and healer. I really didn’t know what I was going to him for except to spend time with him and see what he had to say. I had a 30 minute appointment. I went a little early to the BodyWorks Center, which is inside of a beautiful family temple compound and had some tea and got my mind calm and clear.

Sri Guru came downstairs with his previous client and as they were talking, he climbed into a fly gym swing that was hanging there and started spinning and hanging and doing acrobatics. He looked over at me and smiled with his happy face and sparkling eyes. He reminded me again of a little grey haired mischievous monkey.

He took me up three flights of stone stairs and into a small room on the rooftop. The room was filled with images of The Buddha, Ganesh, The Dalai Lama, Jesus, Shiva, crystals, a fountain, books and beautiful natural light. He asked me if I had any problems I wanted to talk about and I said no, not really. I told him my neck was still a little sore from when he cracked it at yoga class, and he said “good. That means it is changing as it needs to”. Hmmm….

I climbed onto the table and he started doing some light massage and then focused on my neck. He was doing some intense acupressure stuff there that made me squirm. It was painful but I could tell it was releasing some very old, stuck energy there. Most of what he did that day was energy work and it was very, very powerful.

At one point he was touching a place on my stomach and I could feel a flood of bright, beautiful energy moving from there up through the top of my head. I have never felt anything like it. I breathlessly asked him what that was, and he leaned in close with his wonderful face and said: “that is The Source”.

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