Monday, December 11, 2017

Buffalo Blessing

I am told by a friend that an old sacred buffalo has passed
to the great beyond
The owners want to do a ceremony and honor him now

They called him "Shaker"

We gather on a mountainside in the snow
Our ceremony items in hand
Drums, sage, sweet grass, sacred pipe, tobacco and blessed water
from the Standing Rock reservation

We sing Lakota blessing songs with the beat of our drums.
We walk around his giant body, sprinkling tobacco along with our prayers
And drops of holy water

Thanking him

The buffalo energy swirls around us
Making me shake
Tears fall from my eyes
at the beauty of it all
and the honor of being there

He will stay where he lay
After being brought to this quiet hillside
Where he won't be disturbed
Except by those four legged and winged ones
Who will take part
In the great circle of life

Monday, September 11, 2017

July Moon

New light
New day

Bridges to what is next

Selenite wand white and green
In plush pile of purple velvet
Regal and soft
Peeling back the layers


Filling me with light
So much light
I can hardly breathe

I crumple into a heap
My skin suit in a pile
on the kitchen floor


I float away
On the energy of love
It is all there is
Filling every cell 
every particle of space
And time

She is looking at me
through the glass

And like a flash
I come back
Filling my suit
with life


Like the wacky waving balloon tube man
In front of the furniture store

Monday, July 3, 2017


Day spent in the warm summer sun
talking story

soul mates
celebrating another trip around the sun

Good for the soul

Later in the night
settling down for slumber
red door opens
and opens again
before closing with a bang

Spirits of the mountain

bringing in a new breeze
new life
new energy
new stories
new adventures

letting go of things
no longer needed

I'll ride the wave
see where it goes
pay attention
listen to my heart
grab the reins
wander outside the corral

There's a small church
a sacred place
on the spot where I now sleep
long ago
they came to talk
with The Great Spirit

 and The Star Nation

Offer tobacco
and prayers
honor the earth
pray for peace

The Sundance

Monday, June 26, 2017


Smooth as silk
on a hot summer morning

fluffy clouds
in piercing blue sky
calling for change

As soon as I launch
and glide
the meditation begins

Paddle kissing the water

Fish jumping
Birds calling
Boats humming
Fishermen fishing
Airplanes floating

A different world

Out on the water

Friday, June 23, 2017

Sparrow Medicine

She is there
in the drive
body seemingly too small
to sustain life

A little downy lump
Almost out of gas

What should I do?
She looks at me
with a drowsy eye
so tired
It's too much
she seems to say

She must have tumbled
from the high eves of the carport

Where the sparrows dwell
and sing and work and play

She's not moving
Broken wing broken body

I get down on hands and knees
in the stifling hot of a summer day
give her some water dropped from my finger

Her yellow beak
like a big clown smile
eagerly drinks the precious fluid

Mni wiconi
Water is life

I pick her up gently
from behind the gritty hot car tire
place her in a bowl with red towel
she burrows beneath
moving slow

I wonder if she'll make it
or if her short life is finished

I talk to her sing to her
her eyes open wide
she looks and listens

I ask her to stay
I'll stay with her I say
Get better so you can fly away home

She makes not a sound
too weak

I put the bowl inside a box
poke holes in the top
just like when I caught a snake as a child

I place crystals and healing stones around her
A wooden angel to watch over her
I sprinkle holy water
and cover her with love

My dreams are so many
happy ones
I hear sparrows calling chirp chirp
singing their medicine songs

I wake and realize the sound is coming from the little box
though holes poked in the top

She's alive and talking
Calling for her mama

She's strong enough to push the lid up
and escape
I find her in the sink put her back in the box
I know it's time to say goodbye

Out to the garden
she eagerly jumps out of the box and hides beneath
a big green plant

Mama is there
calling from the tree

Goodbye little sparrow
thank you for gracing me
with your beauty
and your medicine

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Native Nations March on Washington

Drums beat
On cold city streets

She offers prayers to the creator

Bless the water
Falling down on us now

Thank you Father Sky

Singing chanting praying
Sage burning
Feet dancing

Mni Wiconi
Water IS Life

The people's faces
As we march by

Turning to understanding

With the heart

Our hearts
The heart of Gaia

Clean water for all of us
We are water

The Divine Feminine Rising
To help heal

The earth is her womb
Don't rape and abuse her anymore

Honor her
She who gave us life

Without our mother
There is no life

Thursday, March 2, 2017


To Ravish:
To fill (someone) with intense delight; enrapture: "ravished by a sunny afternoon, she had agreed without even thinking"
enrapture, enchant, delight, charm, entrance, enthrall, captivate

Ravish me
Ravish me
Ravish me till I can barely see
The magic moons in stars above
In the whisper quiet
There is only love

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Almost Heaven

Cool champagne bubbles
Floating popping laughing

Neruda's words
Shower me
With light

Like golden melted butter
Strawberries and chocolate
Crisp purple grapes
Explode in my mouth

Whisper your deepest secrets
In my ear

Tell me your soul
And I'll tell you mine
In the Blackwater Canyon

Life is old there
Older than the trees

One and one make three
In time with the drum beat
The circle complete

A new world
The sacred hoop

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Groove Is In The Heart

2017 starts off with a bang
The pain in my chest begins at 5 am
January 1

I try to ignore it
Nothing's wrong
It'll get better                                           

But it doesn't
Mind reeling
Pain feeling
Heart racing

What should I do?

I drive down the mountain
Leaving friends behind
Knowing this is something more
Trusting my heart on this one

First Instacare closed
Second closed
Third closed
(it IS new year's day)
Fourth will see me
but wait
we don't take your insurance
Panic starting


Bright lights
Sad people
Bloody people
Sick people
and me

They see me quickly
when I tell them I'm having chest pain
Blood draws
Chest x-rays
CT Scan
Panic pervading my pores
and cells

They will have to keep me overnight
do more tests in the morning
At that moment the worried faces
of mom and dad appear
A soothing salve

I didn't want them to worry about me

Upstairs to the Cardiac ICU
More comfortable bed
More meds
Kind people
Caring for me

Pain is intense
A heavy lead weight sitting on my chest
Cannot get a deep breath
Oxygen in my nose
Morphine in my veins
So uncomfortable
No sleep for me tonight
Watching the snow come down
thick sheets of white
Covering everything

Another day
Comforted by the piles of fluffy white snow
Another test to be done
Taking a long time
So many people with heart issues today

The pressure around my tender heart
Slowly lifting
Giving me a respite
Friends and family come to visit
Making me laugh
It hurts to laugh
But feels like healing energy

Finally time for the test
In the evening
The sun is gone
The two men who come to get me
Are my people
They are caring and funny
And make me comfortable

Time stops

As soon as I lay down
they tell me the test is done
Put me back in my bed
Deep sleeps surrounds me
Woken too many times
By people who want stick sharp needles in me
To take my blood
Check my meds

The doc comes at 6 am to tell me what they found

No blocks in my heart
No stints inserted
Is the word they use
Inflammation of the membrane
around my heart

Caused by a virus

Now its time to rest and reflect
Drink gallons of hot tea and cool water
Clean healthy life giving food

Listening to what my heart has to say
Feeling the many blessings surrounding me

Channel 2 News

This little news story was done back in November about my trip to Standing Rock, North Dakota.
I was/am so happy to help raise awareness about the peaceful oil pipeline protests and the incredible human rights violations that are happening there as water protectors are defending our water and our earth.
For all of us.