Friday, January 15, 2010

Bye bye india

My last night in india.
I flew to Delhi and arrived around 5:30 pm. Arnab bad arranged for someone to pick me up and take me to the wild orchid guesthouse which is just fine. It's at the higher end of what I usually pay. It's 2500 rupies which is a whopping 42 dollars.

I walked around a little i'm surrounded by very high end stores with a nice mix of tea stalls, junky soivenir items and good food.
Tomorrow I will do a marathon tour of Delhi before heading to the airport for my midnight flight. It will be a long ass couple od days getting home. Probably about 30 hours door to door.

I have so many feelings about leaving india. I will miss it and the people who live here but I do need a break from the fast pace and the constant battering of all of my senses at once. I will do some serious chillin' when I get home. Right after I have biggest green salad of my life and a gallon of red wine. That should cure any jetlag :)

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