Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Being back

I have been going through so many strange sensations since being back. I love and appreciate all that my life is here. I love having good clean food, a warm bed and warm water. I have been going overboard on my meat consumption and loving every delectable bite.

But at the same time I have been feeling very sad and a little depressed. I think part of it is that it has been grey and rainy here in the Bay area almost every day since I returned. But also I feel my experience slipping away from me like a dream and that makes me sad. I talk about it and write about it and relate stories, but no one can really understand and feel the things I felt on my journey. I have hundreds of photos that tell my story, but no one wants to look at them all, and I don't blame them one bit. They weren't there so it doesn't mean to them what it means to me. I feel like I need a "Travelers returning from India Support Group" TRFI Anonymous. I wonder if there is such a thing....

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