Saturday, February 20, 2010

Everything is going great in Utah. I have loved spending time with Julian and getting to know him again. We defintely have a deep bond that won't be forgotten no matter how much time passes. He knows me and I know him on a soul level.

I have gone to a couple of challenging yoga classes and went to a booksigning of a friend who wrote a book on raw food and green smoothies. It got me very pumped to get myself and my body back in better shape and nurture it after the beating it's taken the last several months. I went right out and bought lots of leafy greens and have been experimenting. The drinks are actually quite tasty and SO good for you.

Since I got back I have been filling myself with all the things I've missed: hamburgers, chocolate, cheese, wine. I need to find a good balance and get some good nutritional stuff in ther too. I feel like I'm headed in a good direction.

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