Sunday, April 3, 2011

A yoga teacher graduate

Today is the last day of our month long training. So much to say once I process it all. I am so grateful for this experience and know now that this is why I came to Bali.

It's about so much more than postures. It's about a way of life, of taking care of our bodies, of the way we move about in the world.

Up until now I have just taken classes. I have never delved into the origins of yoga and known how it came about from the original teachings in India. And I have only just scratched the surface.....there is so much to know and I could be studying for the rest of my life and never know it all. It's fascinating and it makes so much sense.

Tonight we will celebrate with food and music and dancing and joy. I will miss my 5:30 mornings with a group of like minded souls. But I plan to carry forward all that I have learned and practice each day and grow and learn as much as possible. I will live with a yoga heart full of love and compassion. There are definitely challenges along the way, but now I see them as a chance to practice.

Om shanti. (translated means PEACE)

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