Wednesday, April 18, 2012

That's a wrap

As I'm winding up my time here in HEALdsburg, I am amazed at the blessings it has brought to me. I have spent the last four weeks going on long walks up the steep hills every day, going to yoga every other day, eating very well and getting lots of sleep. It's been such a healing experience.

I have watched Winter turn to Spring and the amazing displays of color that surround the hills and the neighborhoods. There are so many kinds of flowers and plants, birds and grasses. Each day I pick a few flowers to bring back and put in the little vase on the window sill in the kitchen.

Everyone I have met has been such kind hearted souls. From the sweet neighbors, Suzy and Wayne who took me out for dinner, to the Portuguese man, Paulo at the shoe store, to the Nepalese couple at the Indian restaurant to the incredible community at World Peace Yoga studio. They have taken me in and made me feel like family.   

I'm going to miss little Miss Coco when I go. She has taught me a lot and we've become great pals. We know each other quite well by now and can speak without speaking, it seems. She has her anger issues and I've learned to be patient with her. Most of the time....But because she's so protective, it gives me great comfort and freedom to roam the furthest trails that I would not normally go alone. We are getting wonderful exercise together and I think we're both looking just a little more sleek for it.

She follows me around like a, well, like a puppy, and watches my every move with curiosity and the hope of another walk or a game of ball. At night after I'm asleep, she scoots her little doggie bed across the floor and closer to me.  She has gotten on my sleeping schedule and we both peacefully arise around 9 am each day. When I get in the shower, she lays on the bathroom rug and waits while doing her funny little up-dog yoga poses.

We have worn a path through the backyard grass playing toss the ball, which is now in shreds. So I guess it's time for me to go.

Thank you Coco. Thank you Healdsburg.

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