Monday, March 8, 2010

The smell of India is fading....

The smell of India sneaks up out of my backpack sometimes. It's a smell that I never liked while I was there but now when I smell it, it makes me very happy and nostalgic. It reminds me of the transformational time I had, the friends I made, the experiences I had and it makes me miss the hell out of it. Each time I open my backpack to get my laptop out, I realize the smell is fading. I want to try desperately to hold on it it. To make it stay. That way maybe the memories will stay fresh in my mind.

I brought back some beautiful quilts that were made by the women at New Light Shelter and they also carry the rich smell of India. I have not been able to bring myself to wash them. I don't want to wash away smell or the touch of the women who made them. But their smell too is slowly being replaced by the smells of America and my mom's house. Coffee, vanilla candles, the bananas that Julian eats and snow.

I sort of miss being on the road. And I feel myself getting antsy. I miss the adventure and I miss my friends there. It's funny how we seem to always want what we don't have. When I was in India I missed my family and my friends here so much, I ached.

My friend Arnab in India calls me a few times a week and it's so great. He tells me what's happening with the girls at Soma Home and the kids at New Light Shelter. The girls at Soma Home all had their final exams to move to the next grade level and every one of them passed. They are so excited and proud.

Little baby Godee, who was found in the gutter outside of New Light Shelter a few days before I left, is doing great and is thriving and healthy. Little Coco, who's mother passed away a few months ago and is being taken care of by the wonderful staff at New Light is also doing great. She is such a beautiful little girl of about 8 months. She has a powerful light in her eyes and an amazing spirit.

Well, I'm being kicked out of the coffee shop I"m in so I must post this now. Everything in Utah seems to close early. More later...

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