Wednesday, March 3, 2010

What do I want to be when I grow up?

I am still enjoying my time in here Utah for the most part. There are things about this state and this town that drive me crazy, but it sure is beautiful here.

Taylor, Julian, Dylan and my sister Teresa were all here last weekend. We went to Salt Lake on the train, went to the planetarium, cooked together, watched the Olympics and just enjoyed each other. I loved seeing Neil Young sing "Long May You Run" at the closing ceremonies. It was perfect. Yesterday was Taylor's birthday and I made chocolate raspberry pancakes for breakfast and we went to the mall for a while before Julian gave out and it was time to go.

It's been so fun and rejuvenating to spend time with Julian. He is always on the go and so curious about everything. In his lightening fast pace, he teaches me to slow down and look around me at all the little things that make up the world. There is so much that we don't pay attention to like a child. He doesn't talk much but communicates all that he needs to. I'm sure one of these first days he is going to burst out in full sentences, and start talking up a storm. I adore him so much. He is on the verge of saying "grandma", I'm just sure of it. Taylor tells Julian to call me "grandma nana" or "grandma banana" and it will probably stick.

I have been thinking much about my next move where I'll live and what I'll be in this next phase of my life. I have been thinking for a long time about getting certified to teach yoga. I would like to teach in a healing environment like to women in recovery or people dealing with cancer or other illnesses. I found an ashram in New York where I can go and live and practice for a full month have a basic certification when I'm done. I have to fill out an application, write a one page essay on why I want to teach yoga and submit a photograph. It feels like a good direction....

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