Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sound and Silence at The Moby Dick

I have been here at the Moby Dick Hotel inn-sitting for one week now, and I'm falling into a nice routine that looks like this:

I wake up each morning around 7 turn on the heat in my little corner room and wait while it gets toasty warm. I trod downstairs to the big kitchen and make myself some tea and some toast, arrange it on my little silver tray and take it backupstairs to my warm room. I read for a while, write in my journal and enjoy the coming day through the two big windows that look out on the back of the property and the Willapa Bay. There are two Buddhas sitting under ancient trees in the yard and I can see them both from my room. They comfort me.

I take a shower and head downstairs again, put on some music, roll out my yoga mat in the parlor/living room with the old piano and funky chairs and stretch my stiff body. The bed is a little bit hard for my taste in beds and I'm a little achy when I get up. But I've slept in so many different places in the last year or so, that it doesn't bother me too much.

Antonio arrives every day around 11 to feed the chickens, gather the eggs and tend the garden. On the weekends he's been busy painting all the trim on the hotel. His wife Lupe comes to clean the hotel and do the laundry once a week. Today, we chat a little when he's done. His english is limited (he says) but I think he understands a lot more than he lets on.

Today he asks me "jew no husband?" I explain to him that I've had two delightful husbands, but now I am single. I tell him I have a daughter (about 3 years younger than him, it turns out) and one grandson. He thinks about this a while and shakes his head "but jew beddy no old. How jew have grandson?" God bless him. And finally he asks "jew no boring here alone?"

Good question, Antonio....

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