Monday, October 31, 2011

T & J Come to Washington

Taylor and Julian came to visit me at the Moby Dick last week, and man did we have us a time.

I drove to Portland last Sunday and spent the day with my dear friend Travis and his partner Glenn, who I haven't seen in a long time. It was great to catch up with them and meet their friends and have dinner together. I spent the night in their cozy guest room and in the morning headed to the airport to pick up Taylor and Julian. I was so excited to see them coming down the escalator when they arrived.

Julian was pretty wired too. He wanted to touch everything, the moving stairs, the moving luggage belt, wanted to play on the moving walkway....jeez. So many moving, fun parts. They had a good flight and were happy to be here too.

We loaded up in the car and headed out of town towards the Oregon coast. We ended up in Tillamook, where we had a yummy lunch, visited a petting farm and sampled a lot of amazing cheeses. We had a nice drive up the coast on a gorgeous, sunny day and arrived at the Moby Dick in the afternoon.

Taylor and Julian both loved this big old house and wanted to explore all the nooks and crannies. We got them tucked into their room and decided to make some dinner in the wonderful kitchen. In fact, the three of us spent a lot of time in that kitchen making the most delicious meals, listening to music, drinking wine and being creative with food. Julian is especially creative in his culinary endeavors.

The next day we went to Long Beach and Julian was in heaven. He loved the feel of the sand in his toes, watching the waves crashing, chasing seagulls and making sand castles for the king and queen, with a little flag on top. And a side door for nana :). I think he would have run for miles down the beach if we hadn't reeled him back. I could see that his little 3 year old heart felt so free and untethered. We have so many rules in our lives, starting from when we are young - necessary rules - but rules nonetheless. To run or walk on the "world's longest beach" on a sunny day is a very freeing feeling indeed.

After a couple of hours on the beach, we had lunch in the port town of Illwaco. We walked among the boats and fed the seagulls our leftover french fries. There was one seagull who was missing a leg, and this bird made quite an impression on Julian. Julian kept repeating that the bird's leg was gone. And later when he woke up from his nap, he was still talking about it....

We came home that night and made a scrumptious meal of Indian butter chicken and samosa. It was amazing. We cooked for several hours and had so much fun. Julian had his own bowl of things he was preparing - it included water, salt, pepper, leftover onion skins and tomato parts, some milk, sugar and whatever else was close to him. He was having a blast.

We set up our table with candles, silver and napkins and some nice wine and enjoyed our meal so much. It tasted amazing and was filled with love.

The next day was rainy and cold out so we stayed in for a good part of the day. After Julian's nap, we went out for a drive and picked up some movies at the library and made some dinner.

The third day was a another nice sunny one and we enjoyed the beach again. Julian loves nature and the outdoors. He's very connected to it....he should maybe live on a beach someday...

All too soon it was time to drive back to Portland to take them to the airport. We had a such a great visit together and I'm glad they could come and have adventures with me at the Moby Dick. It was definitely a time we will never forget.

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