Saturday, October 10, 2009


Oh my god. How did it get to be Saturday already? That means I leave tomorrow. Yikes!

I feel like I have a lot to do, but it will all get done, for sure. One of the things I need to do is go for a long walk. I have not been taking the time to exercise lately and I sure do feel it. I want to walk in my favorite places here in Marin before I go.

Either the 4 mile round trip walk to Tennessee Beach, or Ring Mountain, or Sausalito. Tomorrow I'll go to Cascade Falls, among the Redwood trees and see what wisdom they have to impart. I have a certain place that I sit in the center of 3 tall old Redwoods and I get my questions answered there.

I have stayed up so late the last few nights attending parties and film screenings that are part of the Mill Valley Film Festival. It's been very fun to see all my old friends that I used to work with, got to see Clive Owen in person (very nice!) and attend 3 really wonderful parties. I figure I can get caught up on my sleep during the 14 hour flight to Hong Kong tomorrow night :)

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