Thursday, October 8, 2009

Sea Level

I am back in California after such a great trip to see my family. The night before I left, Taylor and Dylan cooked a delicious Indian food meal that we all shared and then we settled in to watch Slumdog Millionaire. It is such a good movie but I think it made my mom and dad a little nervous to think that I'm going to such an intense place.

I'm back at Sabrina's in Mill Valley for a few days before leaving on Sunday. I have loved my time here. The comfy bed, the way her home smells, the view of the San Francisco bay from the deck, hot tea in the morning, Diamond the cat wanting her breakfast. It has been very much a home to me for the last month and I so appreciate being here.

I have to go into San Francisco today to pick up my Chinese and India visas, get some travel $$ and finish packing. I'll go to some of the events of the Mill Valley film festival over the weekend, take my car to Petaluma on Sunday, where it will live for 3 months and then Susie and I will head to the airport Sunday night.

The butterflies in my stomach are awake and fluttering....

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