Monday, November 9, 2009

I'm in India!

I am finally in India. Wow...after all the years I have been thinking about India and all the months of planning...I'm here.

My flight from Kathmanmdu was fine and quick. Got through customs quickly and Arnab was there to meet me. We drove about 45 minutes to get to Soma Home and the girls were all there to meet me. About 30 beautiful faces surrounding me, ranging from age 6 to about 16. They first put a dot of white paint on my forehead, sprinkled marigold petals in my hair, put a marigold lei around my neck, and then put a sugary treat in my mouth and said "Welcome to Soma Home". It was so great.

I was shown my room which is very sweet and small and nicely furnished. My bathroom is next door and has real hot water in the shower. What a treat. i got cleaned up and then was invited upstairs for dinner. They gave me way too much food but it was delicious. The girls are amazing. Most speak English pretty well and they are so curious about me and my life and where I'm from. They are excited to do yoga and practice English and do some sewing and art project together. i feel so happy to be here and I think it will be great.

It's late and I'll go to bed so I can be fresh to see what tomorrow brings. I am feeling much better tonight. I got an accupuncture treatment from Roseanna before leaving Kathmamdu today and some homeopathic medicine from a doctor there.

i cried so much when I had to say goodbye to everyone. But it's all part of the journey...

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