Friday, November 13, 2009

The Soma Home for Girls

Just want to let everyone know that all is well here in Calcutta. As well as it can be, I suppose. Computer access is limited so am not online as much as I'd like.

Life is hard here and I have not quite found my groove. My mind cannot process all that I see and all that I'm going through.

My friend Ingrid asked me why I came on this journey; what I hoped to accomplish and what my goals were. I have been thinking about this a lot and will share my thoughts on my blog soon.

For now I must get ready to go to a performance that the girls are doing to celebrate Children's Day, which is a big deal here.

Last night they were practicing and insisted that I wear a Sari. It was so cool and it too forever to drape me in the fabric. I'll post photos soon.

My love to everyone!

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